Prix votés par les membres

Top Suppliers, Distributors, and MLRs

The 2024 Member-Voted Awards are Now Closed!

Voting Deadline: July 14, 2023.

Prix professionnels

The Member-Voted “of the Year” Awards for Distributors, Suppliers, MLRs, Supplier Sales Representatives and Customer Representative are voted upon by PPPC members. Each voting PPPC member may cast 1-2 votes for each of the Member-Voted categories to help us identify this year’s winners. Suppliers vote for Distributors and Distributors vote for Suppliers.

Les distributeurs votent dans les catégories suivantes

Finalists who receive the most votes in these categories are presented with the PPPC Award trophies:

1. Fournisseur de l'année

A PPPC Supplier company that meets the following criteria: Excellent customer service, industry impact, product quality, imprint quality, catalogue quality, creative response, willingness to help (flexibility), delivery time, and pro-active sales and service.

PPPC Supplier companies are separated into small, medium, and large sizes. Suppliers were categorized as small (revenue of up to $5 million), medium ($5-$12 million), and large ($12 million and up). Based on annual Canadian revenue only.

2. Représentant du service à la clientèle fournisseur de l’année

A PPPC Supplier individual that embodies the following characteristics: Caring attitude, quick response time, willingness to help (flexibility) and pro-active service.

3. Supplier Sales Representative of the Year

Une personne, membre fournisseur des PPPC, qui incarne les qualités suivantes : Attitude bienveillante, temps de réponse rapide, volonté d’aider (souplesse) et service proactif.

4. Agence multi gammes de l’année

Un représentant de fournisseur multi gammes membre des PPPC qui satisfait aux critères suivants : Volonté d’éduquer et de motiver, résolution créative de problèmes, connaissance des produits, assistance marketing, qualité de la présentation et temps de réponse.

PPPC Multi-Line Agencies are separated into East, Central, and West zones.

Les fournisseurs votent dans les catégories suivantes

1. Distributeur de l'année

There are seven (7) Distributor of the Year awards distributed to deserving members each year. Divided by region (West, Central & East) and size (Small, Medium & Large enterprise), the Distributor of the Year recipients are voted upon based on the following criteria:

The Distributor companies that receive the highest number of votes in each region are awarded a PPPC Distributor of the Year Award.

2. Distributeur national de l'année

In addition to the Distributor of the Year category, Suppliers can vote for the PPPC National Distributor of the Year. The National Distributor of the year embodies all of the same qualities as above, however, they have a larger, national presence in the industry. This coveted award is sought after by many PPPC Distributor members!